Present: Ray Gillen, Brad Lewis, Bob Wall, Sharon Jordan, Gary McCarthy, Bob Mantello, Patrick Saccocio, Janet Hutchison, Bill Chapman and Ed Capovani
Absent: Neil Golub
Others: Neil Levine and Terresa Bakner (Authority Counsel), Jayme Lahut, Jim Callander, Richard Pearson and Andrew Brick (representatives of the Kmart Redevelopment Project) and audience of 1
Public Hearing: K-Mart Redevelopment Project — Jayme Lahut opened the public hearing at 6:00 p.m., summarized the proposed project, explained Metroplex’s participation in the project and noting that the hearing was properly and duly noticed in the Daily Gazette. No written or oral comments were received. The hearing was closed.
Call to Order: Mr. Gillen called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes: Mr. McCarthy moved adoption of the December 22, 2010 meeting minutes; seconded by Mr. Capovani and approved (Mrs. Hutchison was absent).
2. Treasurer’s Report: Ms. Jordan reviewed the Income and Operating Expense Report for the period ending December 31, 2010, which was distributed prior to the meeting. She noted that operating expenses remained below budget, income has improved, and cash on hand totaled $3,022,052. Ms. Jordan moved acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report; seconded by Mr. Wall. After brief discussion, the Treasurer’s Report was accepted (Mrs. Hutchison was absent).
3. K-Mart Redevelopment (Target) Project: Resolution 691-11 — SEQRA
Metroplex accepted the lead agency designation for purposes of conducting a coordinated environmental review (SEQRA). The project called for demolition of existing structures and construction of a 134,742 square foot Target discount store, an attached 36,000 square foot adjoining retail space and one or more 3,000 square foot pad sites for future development. The project is located at Route 50 and Glenridge Road. Project engineer, Richard Pearson, made a presentation about existing conditions, reviewed the site plan, summarized the reports prepared for the environmental review including a full Environmental Assessment Form, traffic study, storm water plan, surveys and site plans, and economic impact study. He focused on new traffic signals needed, storm water improvements, land swap with Glenville Queen Diner, landscaping and new sidewalks that are incorporated into the plan. The resolution classifies the project as Type I action and upon assessment of all data that the project will have no significant impact on the environment since it is effectively a reuse of an existing retail site. Mr. Capovani moved Resolution 691-11; seconded by Mr. McCarthy. Discussion followed about traffic and pedestrian accessibility. Resolution 691-11 was approved unanimously.
4. K-Mart Redevelopment (Target) Project: Resolution 691-11 Adopt the General Project Plan
Metroplex participation in the project involves a $180,000 grant for traffic signalization and improvements as well as an exemption from mortgage recording tax, sales taxes on construction materials, supplies and furniture and fixtures and Pilot that increases taxes currently paid on site. The project budgeted is $17 million. Mr. Capovani moved Resolution 691-11, seconded by Mr. Saccocio. Brief discussion followed. Resolution 691-11was unanimously approved.
5. Downtown Parking Project (Clinton South Parking Lot): Resolution 693-11 — Environmental Easement
Since 2004 Metroplex and the City have worked with NYS DEC undertaking soil investigations and remediating small discrete areas of the Clinton South and Broadway South parking lots. With work completed on the Clinton South site, Resolution 692-11 authorizes filing a DEC-mandated environmental easement containing protocol for responding to any future contamination uncovered within the site. Ms. Jordan moved Resolution 693-11; seconded by Mr. Capovani. After brief discussion, Resolution 693-11 was unanimously approved.
6. Accounting Services Contract: Resolution 694-11 — Robert L. Kristel, CPA P.C.
Metroplex staff recommended a $48,000 annual contract with Robert L. Kristel, CPA, P.C. for on-call accounting services, preparing quarterly review statements and year-end financials, bond reporting and assisting with the annual audit. The firm also provides information used by management decision making, planning and meeting regulatory requirements with government agencies. Ms. Jordan moved Resolution 694-11; seconded by Mr. Lewis and unanimously approved.
7. Public Comment: None
8. Board Comment: Mr. Gillen spoke about President Obama’s upcoming visit to Schenectady and the transformation of GE’s campus and the company’s enormous investment in both Schenectady and Niskayuna.
9. Adjournment: Mr. McCarthy moved to adjourn; seconded by Mr. Mantello. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jayme B. Lahut
Executive Director