Present: Ray Gillen, Brad Lewis, Bob Wall, Sharon Jordan, Bill Chapman, Bob Mantello
Absent: Neil Golub, Karen Zalewski-Wildzunas and John Mallozzi
Others: Jayme Lahut, Jim Callander, David Hogenkamp and an audience of 2
Call to Order: Mr. Gillen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes: Ms. Jordan moved adoption of the January 14, 2015 meeting minutes; seconded by Mr. Wall and approved.
2. Mazzone Hospitality Project (Village of Scotia): Resolution 936-15 — Hold a Public Hearing
The proposed project involves the redevelopment and reuse of 25 Mohawk Avenue in the Village of Scotia. The 1.1 acre site was a former McDonald’s that Metroplex helped demolish and later undertook an environmental cleanup of the site. Metroplex sold the land in 2014 to Mazzone Hospitality, to an affiliated entity Mohawk Avenue, LLC, which proposed constructing a 20,100 square feet mixed-use building with retail and office space. Resolution 936-15 authorized a public hearing on the project with respect to the tax exemptions requested for the project. Mr. Lewis moved Resolution 936-15; seconded by Mr. Chapman. Following discussion, Resolution 936-15 was approved.
3. Mohawk Harbor Project: Resolution 937-15 — Hold a Public Hearing
With the completion of the state-mandated environmental review process, the Mohawk Harbor developer, Maxon Alco Holdings LLC, has applied for tax exemptions associated with site preparation, infrastructure improvements and related pre-construction activities. Resolution 937-15 authorized holding a public hearing on a one-year extension of the existing real-property tax exemption and an exemption from sales and use taxes. Ms. Jordan moved Resolution 937-15; seconded by Mr. Mantello and approved.
4. Franklin Plaza Project: Resolution 938-15 — Amend the General Project Plan
In 2014, the Board approved the redevelopment of the former Firestone at Franklin and Lafayette Streets and allocated a $75,000 facade grant and $25,000 for sidewalk replacement. Resolution 938-15 allocated an additional $26,170 to cover the full cost of the sidewalk improvements. Ms. Jordan moved Resolution 938-15; seconded by Mr. Chapman and approved following brief discussion.
5. Project Reconciliation and Accounting: Resolution 939-15 — Release Unexpended Obligations
As part of the annual audit, Resolution 939-15 closed 6 projects with unexpended funds of $24,331 that will be returned to the general fund for investing in more projects. Mr. Wall moved Resolution 939-15; seconded by Mr. Lewis and approved.
6. Project Reconciliation and Accounting: Resolution 940-15 — Allocate Funds for Unbudgeted Project ExpendituresResolution 940-15 recognized budget variances totaling $28,341 on 5 closed projects, mostly legal billings and related project soft costs. Mr. Mantello moved Resolution 940-15; seconded by Mr. Lewis and approved.
7. Accounting Services Contract: Resolution 941-15 — Robert L. Kristel, CPA
Resolution 941-15 extended the annual contract with Robert L. Kristel, CPA, P.C, for accounting services with compensation remaining last year’s $51,000. Ms. Jordan moved Resolution 941-15; seconded by Mr. Lewis and approved.
8. Public Comment: None
9. Board Comment: Mr. Gillen noted that he recently presented the 2014 Metroplex annual report to the County Legislature, which is posted on the Authority’s website and available to the public at
Adjournment: Mr. Lewis moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Jordan. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jayme B. Lahut
Executive Director