Present: Ray Gillen, Brad Lewis, Sharon Jordan, Nancy Casso, Bob Mantello, Todd Edwards, Robert Dieterich, and Paul Webster
Absent: Neil Golub, John Mallozzi, and Karen Zalewski-Wildzunas
Others: Jayme Lahut, Jim Callander, David Hogenkamp and audience of 3
Call to Order: Mr. Gillen called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes: Ms. Jordan moved adoption of the March 9, 2016 meeting minutes; seconded by Mr. Mantello and approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report: Jayme Lahut reported on first quarter budget report that was distributed to the members in advance of the meeting. There were no meaningful variances for the first quarter and cash on hand was $5.37 million. Mr. Dieterich moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report; seconded by Mr. Edwards and approved.
3. 2015 Audit: Resolution 1037-16 — Adopt FY-2015 Audit
The Fiscal Audit Committee met with the auditors on April 4, reviewed the FY-2015 audit and various supplemental schedules and recommended Board adoption. The Authority’s auditors, SaxBST, characterized the audit as unqualified and clean. Mr. Lewis moved Resolution 1037-16; seconded by Mr. Edwards. After brief discussion, Resolution 1037-16 was approved.
4. Broadway Garage Lighting Project: Resolution 1038-16 — Award Electrical Contract
Seven (7) firms submitted bids with respect to LED light installation at the Broadway Garage, lighting along the nearby retaining wall at the entrance, and life/safety signs within the structure. AJ Signs of Burnt Hills was already engaged to upgrade post signs along Broadway. Staff recommended accepting Amaha Electric from Cohoes as the low bidder at $209,660. Mr. Mantello moved Resolution 1038-16; seconded by Ms. Jordan and approved.
5. Downtown Fix-up Project: Resolution 1039-16 — Award Construction Contract
Resolution 1039-16 authorized retaining Callanan Industries Inc. as the low bidder to upgrade crosswalks, replace handicap ramps, mill and pave the intersection near Pinhead Susan’s, and replace sidewalks near the Broadway Garage. Callanan’s was the only bid submitted, and it totaled $106,500. The sidewalk price was $20,000 below the engineer’s estimate and the crosswalk work was slightly above, but the overall bid was below budget estimates. Ms. Jordan moved Resolution 1039-16; seconded by Mr. Lewis and approved.
6. 803 Eastern Avenue Property: Resolution 1040-16 — Convey Real Property to the Schenectady Land Bank
Resolution 1040-16 authorized selling 803 Eastern Avenue, the former Kilgore’s Tavern, to the Schenectady Land Bank for nominal consideration. The building was demolished so the vacant site totals about 3,200 square feet. A recent appraisal commissioned by Metroplex valued the lot at $4,800. In making this authorization, Metroplex must follow the requirements contained in its Real Property Disposition Policy and ABO statutory mandates. Ms. Jordan moved Resolution 1040-16; seconded by Mr. Webster and approved.
7. 13 State Street / YMCA Redevelopment Project: Resolution 1041-16 — Adopt the General Project Plan
Because of the timing of the project closing and construction starting in May, the IDA Pilot does not begin until 2017 causing a gap year. Metroplex’s participation involves making a one year Metroplex Pilot with a payment of $25,000. When the IDA Pilot starts next year, the Pilot will generate $1.5 million in payments to the City, County and Schenectady City School District. Payments start at $37,000 and increase 2 percent per year over the life of the IDA Pilot. Since the former YMCA was opened in 1926 providing housing and fitness facilities, real property taxes were never paid on this property. Resolution 1041-16 was moved by Ms. Jordan; seconded by Mr. Lewis and approved.
8. Mohawk Harbor Office Building: Resolution 1042-16 — Hold a Public Hearing
Resolution 1042-16 authorized holding a public hearing for the Harbor Center office building project to be constructed at Mohawk Harbor. The $25 million project will total 65,000 square feet with ground floor retail and commercial offices on the upper floors. The ground floor space can be partitioned into separate storefronts with about 21,800 square feet in total. Metroplex’s participation would involve standard financial assistance, which requires holding the statutorily mandated public hearing. Resolution 1042-16 was moved by Ms. Jordan; seconded by Mr. Mantello and approved.
9. Downtown Ambassador Program: Resolution 1043-16 — Adopt the General Project Plan
Resolution 1043-16 awarded a grant of up to $75,000 to the City Mission for its Downtown Ambassador program. The Metroplex support supplements funding from Proctors and MVP and expands the Ambassador footprint to include Metroplex parking facilities and Union Street and lower State Street. Mr. Webster moved Resolution 1043-16; seconded by Mr. Mantello. Following discussion, Resolution 1043-16 was approved.
10. Public Comment: None
11. Board Comment: Mr. Gillen gave an update on the Draper Lofts and Curry Road Plaza projects in Rotterdam and other projects in Glenville.
Adjournment: Mr. Webster moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Mantello. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jayme B. Lahut
Executive Director